What I live by...
Anything the mind can conceive & believe, it is forced to achieve!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mdantsane Christmas Collection
Christmas Clothes & Food Appeal:
As we gear up for the Christmas season and there is that hustle and bustle when we’re shopping at the malls, let’s give a thought to all those less fortunate to us!
Mdantsane is the 2nd largest township after Soweto and now houses 600,000 black South Africans who grapple daily with the challenges of unemployment, poverty, crime, and rampant diseases like tuberculosis and AIDS. Its rows of modest homes line street after street in the rolling hills outside a small industrial port city in the Eastern Cape Province.
What may seem like something small and insignificant to you, could really put a smile on someone else’s face this Christmas. Just as many hardened criminals and violent people live in Mdantsane, are there that many innocent people who re searching for something to believe in or just that hope that someone cares.
Hilltop Empowerment Centre are doing a collection for our volunteers, their communities and the children of Mdantsane.
You are welcome to participate by showing you care and donating any clothing items and food items or money which we will buy food in bulk or use to sponsor their football team Youth United.
You would also be welcome to join us for the handover, which will take place on the Hilltop Empowerment Centre Farm in the Hanover Village, near King Wiliams Town, where we will be doing training and development from 10- 12 December 2008. The Handover will be done on 12 December and it will end in a mini celebration of African Culture where we will present the donation to the local volunteers who will distribute it to their community.
Contact Person: Manisha Ramdhin ; funkymani@gmail.com, 0832250817
Possible Food Items:
Canned Tuna, Canned Beans, Canned corn, canned meat, canned vegetables
Bags of Maize, Bags of Rice, Bags of Samp, Bags of Beans
Biscuits, sweets, cookies, toys, stationery, milk, flour
Anything which you feel would bring a smile to someone this Christmas;-)
Our Goal is to collect atleast 500kg of food and also various clothing items which we could give as gifts.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hilltop Empowerment center is in the process of developing a website for a schools network. The schools network consists of a number of different rural schools.
Dibanisa Web Project Report
Description of project:
The Dibanisa web project will be divided into different sub-systems: The main website, Satellite websites & the client systems. These sub-systems will be discussed at a later stage.
The goals and functions of the project are multi-faceted:
To provide a resource center.
Online Networking
Student Tracking
Reporting systems
Social Networking
Schools Promotion & facilitation of creating an 'old-boys' network.(*)
All these goals are achieved by developing a series of modules which would be attached to the primary website.
*School promotion is achieved by providing each school that signs up for the project a website of their own. Each website's content is managed by a content management system which makes it the given schools responsibility to populate.
Client Systems
The client systems are currently only an idea and as such are not off the ground. We need a whole host of information:
Research into current school systems.
Research on the structure of current schools databases.
What we need from those willing to help (& we have people from all over the world working on this project) is for you to help us colate all this inforamtion for the schools. Whatever your profession or even if you want to add a fun element, we would like you to submit various information which you think would be useful for pupils & teachers at schools.
Examples are:
-sport activities
-details about a specific country
-conflict management
-information about a specific subject
-history of a country
-how to draw up a curriculum vitae
The above are only a few examples- you can be creative with this & basically just use information from the internet or if you have been doing a project or have information related to your work, etc, please can you email me the information on funkymani@gmail.com and clearly mark it DIBANISA WEB PROJECT.
This is quite exciting & a huge project and we have about 30 countries working on this, about 400 people who are submitting information so if you would like to be part of something BIG & contribute to helping rural communities in South Africa, please contact me.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Really exciting times are here now! The start of my new business!
I've been up all night for the past week putting together my business plan & doing hectic thinking & planning regarding every aspect of my business. This business is so me & it combines everything I believe in - This is something I'm passionate about & alot of thought has been put into this before just taking action. I realise it has a long way to go but every day gets more exciting as it becomes a reality.
My vision is to be the leading volunteer organisation in South Africa.
A little bit about Ethos:
(derived from the Greek word ethikos and meaning "state of being" the inner source. This is an unknown region within the spirit, the soul, the mind, and the original essence, that shapes and forms a person)
I called my business Ethos because this is what it's all about - true character building not only with the volunteer, but also the community, our town , our province, South Africa & the world.
The world really is your oyster & the possibilities are endless...
A point to really ponder over.
Whether you are in South Africa & want to go abroad or abroad, wanting to make a difference in a developing couintry, contact me & we can have a chat! funkymani@gmail.com
I've travelled to about 16 countries & it has really changed my perception of the world. Everyday I push myself a little more & I get excited because wouldn't you be excited too if you finally realised your potential? I walk around smiling & people think I'm crazy but I've never been happier because this business is something I truly believe in. I want to help individuals find their passions in life, teach them how to set goals, make them believe more in themselves & I want to also lead a balanced life & thereby inspire & motivate them to do more. I want to create the same opportunity for all other young people!
Objectives of Ethos:
1.To provide much needed help to rural communities where they lack skill & expertise by providing really basic life skills which are vital to find employment in a country that is characterized with high unemployment rates &increasing poverty.ie. teaching computer skills
2.To promote intercultural learning across countries & cultures
3.To promote leadership, teamwork, basic life skills & integration skills, which cannot be learned in a classroom thereby empowering individuals & teaching them the tools to handle any problems In life plus they can add value to our economy when they generate new ideas & a better understanding of the world
4.To create an environment that fosters personal growth & development and that the volunteers have the feel good factor
5.To promote generation of new ideas, concepts & thoughts thereby enlightening minds & expanding individual consciousness
6.To increase tourism in South Africa : as more volunteers come, it enlargers the network & reaches out to more people thereby increasing the visitors that come to South Africa
7.To contribute to the development of the community& provide an equal opportunity for those that were previously disadvantaged
8.To change certain rigid mindsets from the apartheid era
9.To increase national & international awareness of local projects
10.To work together with countries toward a common goal & also contributing to the United Nations peace objectives.
This is not just going to be any ordinary volunteer organisation. I plan to include so many fun activities so you're having fun while you're learning all these skills & in the process also helping rural communities. I spent 2 months in Germany & am a trained international work camp leader so although you're going to have to work really hard some things to look forward to when you're taking a break :
Hiking trails, scuba diving, kayaking, bungy jumping, cycling along Footsteps of Mandela Cycle Trail, fun team building at seaside resorts,white water rafting, game reserves, sky diving, the graden route, wine tasting, strawberry farms, aloe farms , protea farms, arts & crafts
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I draw my inspiration & knowledge from numerous people it's weird how synchronicity works but every time i am needing reassurance or help & support, something so fitting shows up in my mail box!
The following is taken from Lynn Robinson & when I read it, it just resonated through me & I felt it's truth!
Make your intuition your ally.
How does your intuition speak to you? Do you receive information in words, feelings, a body sensation? Do you just know? Ask your intuition questions and pay attention to the answers and act on the information you receive.
What are you enthusiastic about?
The root of the word enthusiasm is entheos. It literally means "God Within." Just think, when you feel enthusiastic about your dreams it means that God is speaking through you and saying "yes" to your goals! The feeling of enthusiasm is one of the ways your intuition speaks to you. What makes you excited, happy, delighted? What do you look forward to each day? Do more of it!
Be clear about your goals.
We are often quite clear about what we don't want. Spend time thinking about what you do want. What does your ideal life look like? Draw pictures or cut out scenes from magazines that illustrate the life you wan t to create. Write in your journal, envision. Spend time each day imagining your ideal life. Envision the details of that life. Imagine you are living it now. What are you wearing? What are you feeling? Who are the people around you? The power is within your mind and heart to bring forth the new life you want.
Spend time in prayer and meditation.
Answers often come to life's questions through self-reflection. Prayer and meditation are two ways we have of slowing down enough to listen to the still, quiet voice of our Higher Self. Remember that the answers don't always pop into your mind fully formed as you meditate or pray. You may find them slowly evolving into your consciousness over several days or weeks as you ask for insight.
Create positive self-talk.
Pay attention to what you tell yourself about yourself and your life. If the general tone is hopeful and positive you feel better and are more optimistic. William James said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." It's easier to create a life you love when you give yourself affirmative message.
Practice an attitude of gratitude.
Research has shown that the happiest people are the ones who have gratitude for all that they have despite their circumstances. You don't have to postpone happiness until you have achieved all your goals. Joy is an inside job. In the Talmud it says, "In the world to come each of us will be called to account for all the good things God put on this earth which we refused to enjoy." Learn to appreciate the unfolding process of your life, not just the realization of your dreams.
Take action.
People often get stuck because they can't figure out how to get from Point A to Point Z. What is one thing you could do that would be a next step? Take a class, talk to a friend, read a book on a topic of interest, learn a new skill. Take action on what feels exciting to you.
Look for coincidences and synchronicities.
It has been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. We often have serendipity occurring in our lives as a way to show us we are on the right path. As you trust your intuitive knowing you'll find these synchronicities occurring more often.
Know that there will be ebbs and flows.
We often reach success through a series of ups and downs. When you are in a "down" place and feeling stuck, know that it won't last forever. Find some ways to enjoy your life despite the lull and continue to focus on what you want.
Trust in divine order.
Maybe you're beginning to feel as Mother Theresa once did when she said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." The Universe has a perfect plan for your growth and unfolding as a human being. As you learn to be guided by your intuition you're beginning to act on this wisdom from the Universe.
Monday, September 29, 2008
It's all "Relative"
Often we are quick to notice what we don’t have in our lives… we don’t have enough time, we don’t have enough space and, we definitely don’t have enough money for anything we want to do. That’s typical of the scarcity complexity & since the Law of Attraction works that way, what you think, you bring about, by thinking about your “lack of” only gets you more of it, which is why most people who are in debt, continue to stay in debt. Those who run around with no time, never have time for anything…they’re all caught up in the rat race & unless they become aware of this & change their thinking, they will never get what they desire.
That’s where the “relative theory” comes in…because if you think about it, everything is relative, as it depends on what you’re comparing it to. Take a look around you, that old sweater that was not warm enough, to someone who cannot afford to buy any clothes, is welcoming. All the leftovers which you are so quick to chuck in the bin, could mean survival for a street kid. Where you thought you didn’t have enough money to see to your expenses, be appreciative that you have enough money to food, clothe & house yourself.
If you’re going to compare yourself with a millionaire, you will look poor but if you’re comparing yourself to a beggar, you then become the millionaire. Life is all about perception- be appreciative for all that you have! Look around you & see the beauty & wealth because everything is relative & by feeling happy with your circumstances, you will attract more of it. It really is that simple.
That’s where the “relative theory” comes in…because if you think about it, everything is relative, as it depends on what you’re comparing it to. Take a look around you, that old sweater that was not warm enough, to someone who cannot afford to buy any clothes, is welcoming. All the leftovers which you are so quick to chuck in the bin, could mean survival for a street kid. Where you thought you didn’t have enough money to see to your expenses, be appreciative that you have enough money to food, clothe & house yourself.
If you’re going to compare yourself with a millionaire, you will look poor but if you’re comparing yourself to a beggar, you then become the millionaire. Life is all about perception- be appreciative for all that you have! Look around you & see the beauty & wealth because everything is relative & by feeling happy with your circumstances, you will attract more of it. It really is that simple.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Parallel Dimensions
This is dedicated to all those who love having their cake & eating it.
by manisha
Parallel dimension captures the best of both worlds,
The good & the bad,
the best & the worst,
the ups & the downs,
the yin & yang...
the ecstacy & the purgatory.
For if there were no pain , we would know no pleasure.
Paradise Island
Lets swim to the point of no control
In an ocean of bliss
Across the currents of passion
Where you will encounter the depth of my love
Until we reach the sands of time
On an island that’s erotic
A convergance of intellects
An arousal from within
Naked to hungry eyes
Caressing each other with sin
Burning with desire
New territories exploring
Two hearts pulsating
Intense heat generating
Bodies perspiring
Movements invigorating
Until utopian climaxing
And then pure breathlessness
Extreme Purgatory
Imprisoned to these depths of despair
Confined to this misery
Stuck in this bottomless pit
That’s the gate to my purgatory
So deep in this underworld
This is my living hell
A place to punish
Extreme pain & misery
Intense loneliness
Lies & envy
Deceipt & betrayal
Jealousy & resentment
Anguish & despair
Fears & uncertainties
Erupting from all this unfaithfulness
With every up, comes a down but with every cloud comes a silver lining.
Life is all about perception & beliefs.
We have the power to control our thoughts & effect our lives.
We create our own reality.
Happiness is a state of mind & as easily as we can hold onto moments of pure ecstacy, some of us choose to imprison ourselves & continue to punish & torture our souls.
Initially, I wrote the first part of this poem "paradise island" during the happiest part of my life. When you fall in love, you love the idea that someone could be your "ideal" when in reality, as time passes, the truth hits home & it's you who has wronged, because he always "was" - you just had your rose coloured spectacles on. I refused to see the truth yet it was always there. I become my own worst enemy & i imprisoned myself & i hate myself for making me so vulnerable... so open.
This is "extreme purgatory" (place of suffering where souls remain until they have expiated their sins)= purgatory of lost love. I loathe myself for lowering my walls, for letting this stranger into my haven. I start questioning why I acted so foolishly & my mind gets in a frenzy for there is no logical solution.
I remain in this abyss until I choose to see the light.
And even if I choose to be happy once more, ne'er again will I let down those walls, because it literally feels like rubbing salt on an open flesh wound.
extreme purgatory,
paradise island,
parallel dimensions,
When the student is ready to learn...
...the teacher will appear. How true that is...
Every day I work at Hilltop Empowerment Centre, I am continuously learning. It's so different & interesting. Sometimes in life, you feel you know everything but it's when you start working with the communities in rural areas do you actually start learning. It humbles me to realise that actually I know nothing.
Today I spent time with Robin & the German volunteers, Marit, Chris & Jana. We planned to go to Dimbaza business centre but ended up going on a tour of Da Gama textile factory, which was totally unplanned, sporadic, random , but a typical situation of how things don't always go according to plan in South Africa. The employees were so amazing & we watched the fabric being made from when it was just cotton wool right to when it becomes a fabric print & ready to be sold. A truly amazing experience which made me really appreciate how a fabric is made & all the effort that goes into it.
We also spent most of the morning talking about different situations that have arisen as a result of difference in culture & difference in philosophy. What is Philosophy all about...its of Greek origin and means "the love of wisdom", the act of asking profound question about very general things.
All my time with Robin & Rommel really inspire me to be a better person. They're such a loving couple & have empowered so many people on their quest to raise the education level in the Eastern Cape. They have actually set up 52 Business centres all over. They have a network of schools, police stations, churches, hospitals which extends not only in South Africa but also internationally. They live the kinda life I would love to live, not without struggles but they see each as a challenge to grow & learn.
Quote for the day: In every POtHolE, there is HOPE. (from the movie Mixed Nuts)
I am definitely ready to learn!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Distance between us
A Wise Man(Rommel Roberts) recently told me the best example to explain the difference in philosophies between different cultures is:
If you had a river & you had a westerner & an African. Both would see the river & try to explain it & understand it but the westerner would be standing on the bank observing it flow by whilst the african would be inside it, swimming along with it trying to make sense of it.
There is no right way or wrong way- their ways of thought patterns, or how they filter information is just different. That is the reason there is so much conflict in this world- people can view or experience the exact same thing yet both perceive it differently hence the distance between us.
Hence Forth, let us step out of our shoes & feel what the other is feeling before we make judgements. Change your view, change your perception & lets diminish the distance between you and me...
Peace, peace, peace...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Loves fire burns
My heart is burning with love
All can see this flame
Igniting my passion, invoking desire
But its playing with my mind
loves fire burns
Can you feel the heat of this eternal love?
Its flames are rhythmically dancing
Extreme dizziness & completely mesmerizing
Into a drunken haze, its making me insane
Loves fire burns
Silently its flicking me into rapture
Until my spirit is aroused
Into this false euphoria
& then severe intoxification
Loves fire burns
I’ve now lost all my senses
Drunk with the ecstacy of your love
Only a hangover & memories of our love
Loves fire burns.
by: Manisha
This poem is about how dangerous love can be. Each stanza appeals to the senses. First you “see the flame”, then “feel its heat” but it moves in “silence”, which is why in the end, there is a loss of all senses. Love is compared to a fire but also entwined with the behavior of a drunk person,ie. Someone who is out of control.
The 1st 2 lines of every stanza represent the good feelings represented by love,the ecstacy & extreme happiness. The 2nd lines always represent the down side of love which we fail to see because we go into it so blindly even though there are always warning signs (loves fire burns represents the warning signals)
It starts off really slowly with subtle hints or warnings but then gets out of control until it's over.
It ends when the lover is burned & the poem ends with the warning, signifying no hope.
The whole poem represents love between humans as ultimately we get burned by each other. What we should actually be seeking is love from within ourselves- from our core being, from our true self, which is essentially pure love or the love from God.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ode to my dad
Get well Soon Dad!
For those of you that don't know. My dad just went in for a major hip op on Wednesday.
He has been in ICU for 2 days & just came out of ICU and is still in hospital until next week. This is his 5th hip op during his lifetime & he is seriously like a cat with nine lives. Apart from this, at some stage he has also had a quadruple bypass. He just keeps bouncing back & each time gets a new thirst for life!
Here's to a speedy recovery!
In search of Happiness...
This is one of my favourite views in East London. It's amazing because it overlooks the vast ocean, which is never constant. Every day after going to Virgin Active, I usually park here & just take a few breaths & admire God's beauty. At that point, I'm already charged with so much energy & endorphins from training & when I stare into the horizon, it revitalizes me & it's blueness pacifies & calms me. It's at this point that I feel at peace & one with the universe.
So often, we get caught up in our busy lives where we are ocntinuously asking for things & wondering why we don't get what we want when in actual fact, all you have to do is just stop. ... & then just BE, not even be yourself, for not even you know who you are, but just BE. & when you give thanks, your eyes wil suddenly open & you will find that you are so lucky & you actually have everything you need to be happy.
But what is happiness? Happiness is a state of mind & you know you're happy when you can feel it all through your body. It's a feeling deep inside & since feelings are the language of the soul, let your soul speak out to you...find your happiness.
Today take the time to search for your happiness...
east london,
favourite place,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cycle From East London to Port Elizabeth
I am going to be one of the non-staff members who will be cycling from East London to Port Elizabeth in December so please feel free to contact Carol Wathon to sponsor me, donations start at R100. Much appreciated for all your help so far! Thank you...
The following is an article that appeared inthe Daily Dispatch a few weeks ago whilst I was in Germany:
ST BERNARD’S Hospice has decided to engage in an extraordinary feat to raise funds for their Paediatric Palliative Care Programme. In the early hours of Monday, November 3, four St Bernard’s Hospice staff members and two non-staffers will endeavour to cycle from East London to Port Elizabeth in four days.
St Bernard’s Hospice general manager, RenĂ© Wienekus, who will be leading the pack, says that they have been talking about and procrastinating over this project for three years and finally decided, at the beginning of the year, to do it.
She further adds: “It sounds like and most probably is pure madness, especially in light of the fact that we are all mothers, not cyclists! We have given ourselves four days to get to Port Elizabeth. On the first day we need to reach Mpekweni Beach Resort, a distance of 105km, seeing that we can’t exactly sleep on the street when it gets dark. However, we have decided to do this project and believe that we will pull through, because we really care and believe in the work we do.”
Once the decision was made they started preparing for the challenge. Curves Gym in Vincent offered to assist with cardio-vascular training to get the team into shape.
Deon Leach from Body Classique is helping them with spinning classes to get them “cycle ready” and EL Cycle Surgery has sponsored their very bright cycling shirts, while Wienekus picked Felt Cycles’ co-owner, Dan Taylor’s brain for tips regarding training.
The team managed to organise their own bicycles, while the back-up team will be assisting from two vehicles, which Nissan Automall have sponsored for the event.
“This project not only shows our diverse approach to raising funds, but also our willingness to get involved – even to such a personal extent – to ensure that our financial targets are met. To me St Bernard’s Hospice is not just a job, it is a passion, said Wienekus.
“Our motivation with this project is to raise an amount of R100000 to help maintain and ensure a safe haven for our current and future paediatric patients and their families. This feat will also help put us on the map with regards local and national funders, who we rely on to help fund our cause.”
She said they want to promote the event in the media to launch the event locally and to encourage as many people from EL, the Eastern Cape and businesses to join them in “this exciting and unique fundraising project” by coming on board as sponsors.
“Sponsorship can be done by donating an amount per kilometre on the trip. We have already received sponsorship from Bill Heaton of Heaton Building Contractors – he will donate R2 per kilometre per cyclist – if we reach the Mpekweni Beach Resort on the first day. Several cash donations have been made.
“If we can secure our goal amount of R100000 before we start peddling, the team will be highly motivated and it would make every uphill, pothole, puncture, chafe and cramp worth the while,” she said.
The four-day destination distances are: East London to Fish River Sun (120km); Fish River Sun to Kenton-on-Sea (47km); Kenton-on-Sea to Colchester (83km) and finally Colchester to Port Elizabeth (45km).
For further info or sponsors, please contact event co-ordinator Carol Wathen on 0437210051 or e-mail her at carolw@sainet.co.za.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Contemplate this:
"There are people who see things & ask why?, I see things & ask why not?"
"An inifinity of forests lies dormant in the dreams of one acorn"
"We are not humans having a spiritual experience but spirits having a human experience"
"An inifinity of forests lies dormant in the dreams of one acorn"
"We are not humans having a spiritual experience but spirits having a human experience"
Volunteer & Save our world
I recently spent 2 months in Germany partly volunteering, partly training to become an international workcamp leader but also representing South Africa in the new AALA(Africa, Asia, Latin America) program which IJGD(NGO in Germany)has launched, called the Weltwaerts program. This was sponsored by the German Government & is a new initiative to encourage intercultural learning, self organization, social learning, ecological learning, emancipation of sexes & voluntary work. German volunteers wanting to help communities but also gain a new perspective on the world offer their services & skills to developing countries. This particular program last 12 months, however we did learn about medium term volunteers (2-8 months) and workcamps(6 weeks)
The other AALA participants were Hoai from Vietnam, Lesley from Equador, Jovana from Mexico, Rose from Kenya & Sheila from India.What I found amazing is how caring, considerate & conscientous most Germans are.It's so great they have systems in place for everything & all is so structured & well planned & all citizens obey the law! Although I had lived in London for 3 years & it was also a first world country, Germany is still so much more advanced. Everyone was so warm & welcoming & opened not only their homes to us but also their hearts. It was astounding that so many youth were willing to give up their time to help other countries & most were so knowledgeable & keen to learn about other cultures plus spoke atleast 2 languages.
***Whilst jogging 1 morning in the forest near Gottingen, I accidentally dropped my mobile inbetween heavy logs & had to, after a serious struggle & many scratchmarks, abandon it there. I was very heartsore so was dumbstruck 3 weeks later when I got a call from a policeman who said someone had found it & actually called every single number on it until they found out who it belonged to.***
What I learnt:
Being in Germany made me realise how much work there is to do in South Africa before we get anywhere near how it functions. The good thing is I'm full of ideas & have tremendous energy to put all my ideas into action (becos ideas will always remain ideas if no action is taken)
It raised a few questions like:
1. "why are more people going to other african countries & not South Africa?",
2. "If there are so many people eager to help, why do we not have clearer channels for volunteering in South Africa?", also this is an ideal opportunity that is bound to increase tourism, help the rural community & provide a plaform for personal growth so,
3. "Why are not many people in South Africa aware of volunteering?",
4. "Why doesn't our government do a similar funding scheme if there are so many benefits to volunteering?"
In terms of Personal Growth for myself, working in the forest & doing hard manual labour was ideal for thinking & planning & i've come back with more of a thirst to learn more & to help the community. It has inspired me start my own organisation so I can provide more opportunities like this for other South Africans. I would also love to start learning languages. Xhosa would be essential but then also German, Spanish, Russian at a later stage.
If you would like more information on becoming a volunteer, please contact me on funkymani@gmail.com
self organize,
social learning,
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