What I live by...

Anything the mind can conceive & believe, it is forced to achieve!

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's all "Relative"

Often we are quick to notice what we don’t have in our lives… we don’t have enough time, we don’t have enough space and, we definitely don’t have enough money for anything we want to do. That’s typical of the scarcity complexity & since the Law of Attraction works that way, what you think, you bring about, by thinking about your “lack of” only gets you more of it, which is why most people who are in debt, continue to stay in debt. Those who run around with no time, never have time for anything…they’re all caught up in the rat race & unless they become aware of this & change their thinking, they will never get what they desire.

That’s where the “relative theory” comes in…because if you think about it, everything is relative, as it depends on what you’re comparing it to. Take a look around you, that old sweater that was not warm enough, to someone who cannot afford to buy any clothes, is welcoming. All the leftovers which you are so quick to chuck in the bin, could mean survival for a street kid. Where you thought you didn’t have enough money to see to your expenses, be appreciative that you have enough money to food, clothe & house yourself.

If you’re going to compare yourself with a millionaire, you will look poor but if you’re comparing yourself to a beggar, you then become the millionaire. Life is all about perception- be appreciative for all that you have! Look around you & see the beauty & wealth because everything is relative & by feeling happy with your circumstances, you will attract more of it. It really is that simple.

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