...the teacher will appear. How true that is...
Every day I work at Hilltop Empowerment Centre, I am continuously learning. It's so different & interesting. Sometimes in life, you feel you know everything but it's when you start working with the communities in rural areas do you actually start learning. It humbles me to realise that actually I know nothing.
Today I spent time with Robin & the German volunteers, Marit, Chris & Jana. We planned to go to Dimbaza business centre but ended up going on a tour of Da Gama textile factory, which was totally unplanned, sporadic, random , but a typical situation of how things don't always go according to plan in South Africa. The employees were so amazing & we watched the fabric being made from when it was just cotton wool right to when it becomes a fabric print & ready to be sold. A truly amazing experience which made me really appreciate how a fabric is made & all the effort that goes into it.
We also spent most of the morning talking about different situations that have arisen as a result of difference in culture & difference in philosophy. What is Philosophy all about...its of Greek origin and means "the love of wisdom", the act of asking profound question about very general things.
All my time with Robin & Rommel really inspire me to be a better person. They're such a loving couple & have empowered so many people on their quest to raise the education level in the Eastern Cape. They have actually set up 52 Business centres all over. They have a network of schools, police stations, churches, hospitals which extends not only in South Africa but also internationally. They live the kinda life I would love to live, not without struggles but they see each as a challenge to grow & learn.
Quote for the day: In every POtHolE, there is HOPE. (from the movie Mixed Nuts)
I am definitely ready to learn!
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