This is dedicated to all those who love having their cake & eating it.
by manisha
Parallel dimension captures the best of both worlds,
The good & the bad,
the best & the worst,
the ups & the downs,
the yin & yang...
the ecstacy & the purgatory.
For if there were no pain , we would know no pleasure.
Paradise Island
Lets swim to the point of no control
In an ocean of bliss
Across the currents of passion
Where you will encounter the depth of my love
Until we reach the sands of time
On an island that’s erotic
A convergance of intellects
An arousal from within
Naked to hungry eyes
Caressing each other with sin
Burning with desire
New territories exploring
Two hearts pulsating
Intense heat generating
Bodies perspiring
Movements invigorating
Until utopian climaxing
And then pure breathlessness
Extreme Purgatory
Imprisoned to these depths of despair
Confined to this misery
Stuck in this bottomless pit
That’s the gate to my purgatory
So deep in this underworld
This is my living hell
A place to punish
Extreme pain & misery
Intense loneliness
Lies & envy
Deceipt & betrayal
Jealousy & resentment
Anguish & despair
Fears & uncertainties
Erupting from all this unfaithfulness
With every up, comes a down but with every cloud comes a silver lining.
Life is all about perception & beliefs.
We have the power to control our thoughts & effect our lives.
We create our own reality.
Happiness is a state of mind & as easily as we can hold onto moments of pure ecstacy, some of us choose to imprison ourselves & continue to punish & torture our souls.
Initially, I wrote the first part of this poem "paradise island" during the happiest part of my life. When you fall in love, you love the idea that someone could be your "ideal" when in reality, as time passes, the truth hits home & it's you who has wronged, because he always "was" - you just had your rose coloured spectacles on. I refused to see the truth yet it was always there. I become my own worst enemy & i imprisoned myself & i hate myself for making me so vulnerable... so open.
This is "extreme purgatory" (place of suffering where souls remain until they have expiated their sins)= purgatory of lost love. I loathe myself for lowering my walls, for letting this stranger into my haven. I start questioning why I acted so foolishly & my mind gets in a frenzy for there is no logical solution.
I remain in this abyss until I choose to see the light.
And even if I choose to be happy once more, ne'er again will I let down those walls, because it literally feels like rubbing salt on an open flesh wound.
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