This is one of my favourite views in East London. It's amazing because it overlooks the vast ocean, which is never constant. Every day after going to Virgin Active, I usually park here & just take a few breaths & admire God's beauty. At that point, I'm already charged with so much energy & endorphins from training & when I stare into the horizon, it revitalizes me & it's blueness pacifies & calms me. It's at this point that I feel at peace & one with the universe.
So often, we get caught up in our busy lives where we are ocntinuously asking for things & wondering why we don't get what we want when in actual fact, all you have to do is just stop. ... & then just BE, not even be yourself, for not even you know who you are, but just BE. & when you give thanks, your eyes wil suddenly open & you will find that you are so lucky & you actually have everything you need to be happy.
But what is happiness? Happiness is a state of mind & you know you're happy when you can feel it all through your body. It's a feeling deep inside & since feelings are the language of the soul, let your soul speak out to you...find your happiness.
Today take the time to search for your happiness...
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